Present and sound

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Present and “sound” (surface code G) 24 (UL4) –lingual surface has enamel loss and an orange/brown lesion. This is hypoplasia, a developmental defect of the enamel. Surface is scored sound.

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Present and “sound” (surface code G) Distal fissure of molar – small carious lesion in enamel. No visual evidence of dentine involvement. Scored as sound.

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Present and “sound” (surface code G) 22 (UL2) – lingual surface has stained pit. No visible evidence of caries into dentine. Surface scored as sound.

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Present and “sound” (surface code G) In these primary teeth, the demineralised areas probably correspond with plaque coverage at the original gingival margin. Surface scored as sound

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Present and “sound” (surface code G) 22 (UL2) & (23) UL3 buccal surfaces – white spot lesions in a band around the gingival 3rd NB. These lesions represent one of…

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Present and “sound” (surface code G) 65 (ULE) – occlusal surface is sound and is coded as G